Saturday, December 26, 2009

Moving the default home folder of VBox

How to move the default home folder of VBox program?

On windows, by default VBox creates installation folder in Program Files and its configuration and data folder in C:\Documents and Settings\\.VirtualBox.

.VirtualBox will contain:

1- VirtualBox.xml: VBox configuration file.

2- Machines: A folder that stores Virtual machines files.

3- HardDisks: A folder that stores Virtual machines hard disks files.

The are several problems with this setting:

1- HardDisks and Machine folders will have a size for several GB. This will slow your system, because:

a- It will slow down virus check, disk fragmentation and check disk operations.

b- If you have back up or image tool such as Norton Ghost or CloneZiller, it will make your hard disk image unnecessary large, and back up and restore operations will take a long time.

2- If anything goes wrong with your system drive (C:) that forces you to reinstall Windows, all your Vbox work will be gone.


Move it to another partition or hard disk and add a new user variable to Windows Environment Variables. This is indirectly mentioned in the User manual of the VBox pdf file. To find it search for the following text (VBOX_USER_HOME).

Adding new new user variable can be done by right click on My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables and add VBOX_USER_HOME to the user environment variables. The value will be: \.VirtualBox\

Saturday, October 3, 2009

For Chlidren

  1. Digital book library

CMS: Content Management Systems

When You surfe on the NET especially when using Google, sometime you get very intersting results. Here I have listed what I have found concerning CMSs and some of that I tried on my local Pc.


  1. Umbraco. The credit for finding this CMS is to an article that I read in this web site
  2. DotNetNuke 
  3. Rainbow and Rainbow Portal Community
  4. Other open source .NET CMSs and C# software.


  1. Mambo
  2. Joomla. An Article on wikipedia.
  3. TYPO3
  4. Drupal

Java CMSs:

  1. A list of Java CMSs 

Don't use Eclipse Ganymede

I think it is badly designed and user unfriendly. It did not take any consideration for users of older version, who enjoyed its flexibility, and removed most of the good features from it.

Many big players do not support it yet. I think they have made the right decision.

It follows Microsoft ugly steps, by providing fancy UI that increase the complexity, and make our life as developers more difficult. I wonder which waked mind is standing behind it.

Fortunately, we still have the access to the older versions of our good Eclipse, but it is not easy to find.

To download older version you need to follow these steps:
- Go to Eclipse web site
- Find and Click on (Old versions)

- Select a link (which I tried) (Archived Eclipse Platform Releases).
- Download your Eclipse.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

CV writing

Here are some CV tips and Examples.

Software tester

I found an excellent blog that contains CV samples as beautiful articles related to software testing in this blog of Prem kumar P.
  1. Sample Testing CV
  2. Testing Life Cycle - Roles and Responsibilities


Building an image slide show:

Here is a neat tutorial: